SM 15 - Copying .grp files from Sent Items folder, same timestamp on all emails copied
Problem reported by Paul Blank - 6/11/2022 at 9:39 AM
I've been migrating some accounts from a working Smartermail 15 server (running the final version of 15). 

Since the Sent Items folder is so full, I want to copy (and not move) the most recent sent messages to a new folder for the final migration, but there is an issue:

When I copy .grp files from Sent Items to a new folder, and then create the folder in the SM GUI, all emails in the folder have the same timestamp e.g. Friday 12:00 am. Doesn't matter if the newly created folder is anywhere in the tree, including below the root or a subfolder of Sent Items. Since there is no Copy option in the SM GUI, this is done from within Windows. After copying the .grp files to the folder, I create the folder in SM, which auto-generates mailbox.cfg in the new folder. 

And re-indexing the account doesn't help either.

This does not occur when doing the same procedure with received emails in any other folder, where the copied emails end up with the correct timestamp.

I understand that this is an older version of SM (it's been damned-near bulletproof so I'm keeping it for awhile) and it is NOT a critical problem. 

But I would like to know if there's a solution for it.  

3 Replies

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Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
You might need to also copy the mailbox.cfg with those grps to retain the metadata, which means you should move it into a blank folder which already has nothing (or a blank mailbox.cfg) already in it. I believe newer smartermail will pull that information from the email itself when its rebuilding missing entries for mailbox.cfg, I don't think 15 did this.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Paul, we're running several servers with v15 also so you're not alone...

Matt, thanks for still providing support for v15!

FWIW, SmarterMail v15 still has some great features that are missing in v17:
Matt, any chance the next version will address some of these items?  Really hoping to upgrade, but right now our customers are saying they like v15 better, so they are looking at alternatives. :(

Paul Blank Replied
Thanks for your reply, Matt. I am definitely working around this issue but it didn't hurt to ask. Might try a couple of other things, but it simply adds a delay to the final incremental migration step when the Sent Items folder is very large. A Copy function would have been cool, but this is old news and of course an old version. 

Kevin, lots of interesting features for sure in the latest version, but my few clients use SM V15 (final version 15.7.6970) for email and really nothing else, where it just runs and runs. Maintenance of the product itself is pretty close to zero. The usual user changes as needed, Windows maintenance and daily backups are still happening, of course.

Some users have huge mailboxes (over 150GB); a few are using Thunderbird clients, otherwise SM Webmail for desktop, and the typical smartphone clients, occasionally running Nine email. 

As I've mentioned in other posts, now running split-domain arrangements with SM V15 <--> Microsoft 365, and no issues whatsoever doing this.

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