Purging old closed tickets
Question asked by Mark Lancaster - 1/4/2024 at 9:10 AM
Is there any way to purge out old tickets that have been closed (not deleted)? We now have tickets over 9 years old. 

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Mark,

These settings are found in your Department settings. Edit each department and click on the Tickets tab. You'll find the following options: 

  • Auto-Close After - The number of hours after which a ticket assigned to the department and marked as "waiting" will automatically close. The default setting is 168 hours. NOTE: If any action is performed on a ticket, such as transferring it to another agent or group or even commenting the ticket, the waiting time will reset.
  • Auto-Lock After - The number of hours after which tickets assigned to the department and marked as "closed" will automatically lock. (Locked tickets do not automatically reopen when a customer sends a reply.) The default setting is 322 hours.
  • Auto-Delete After - The number of days after which tickets assigned to the department with a "closed" or "closed and locked" status will automatically be deleted. The default setting is 365 days.

If you'll be tracking anything in the database itself, just note that deleted items are purged from the system every 90 days. Items purged from SmarterTrack are no longer indexed and will not return as results when using Advanced Search. Any deleted tickets that have not yet been purged are marked in the database with a status of "Closed and Locked”.

Kind regards,
Mark Lancaster Replied
Hi Andrea,

Excellent - thank you. 

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