SmarterTools and eM Client
Idea shared by Mike Mulhern - 10/12/2023 at 6:46 AM
In Progress
I think it's great that Smartermail and eM Client are forming a partnership.

Unfortunately the way BOTH SM Webmail and eM Client (last time I checked eM) handle auto-fill when a user types in an email address has kept my organization on MS Outlook.  

There have been several posts over the years about prioritizing addressed by frequency THEN alphabetical vs a simple alphabetical list:

3 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
I'll have to reach out to eM Client and see how they prioritize autocomplete addresses. On our side, we're already working on changing how webmail prioritizes things. We'll no longer prioritize alphabetically, but use a variety of methods to improve accuracy. This will be in the Beta for the next version of SmarterMail, which should be available this month. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
As an aside, I heard back from eM Client and their prioritization for autocomplete is based on a score, with more recent email recipients looked at first, then contacts are looked at, then sent items. I'm not sure if this is a recent change, or what you found in your testing previously.

I can say that I've been using eM Client exclusively for some time and I've not had an issue with autocomplete giving me a bad suggestion, or an odd list of possible recipients. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hi Derek---

Thanks for the information.

I will lk @ eM Client again then.  Last time I test drove eM Cilent (beginning of the year?  Maybe earlier?) the methodology they were using didn't work for me.  Since my test drive I've on their forum once or twice and saw requests asking for better autocomplete logic but no posts about it being resolved.

TBH, would much prefer to roll to Webmail entirely so will look out as you add better auto-complete functionality.

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