New SmarterMail and WHMCS Integration

This is a newly-developed integration with WHMCS that can (and should) be used in place of any existing modules in the WHMCS Marketplace, or any previously downloaded modules from SmarterTools. As a result, anyone transitioning to these new modules will need to create new products within WHMCS. Customers who use products configured using the older module can coexist with customers created using the new modules, but for the sake of consistency we recommend those customers be moved over to new products created using this newly developed solution. 

This integration serves 2 purposes:

1. The "Servers" module allows you to create and add SmarterMail servers to WHMCS, and
2. The add on allows you to create products/services within WHMCS, and then provision those "email plans" and plan options into SmarterMail.


The primary goals of this integration are twofold:
1.    Allow businesses to create email packages based off configurable options within SmarterMail, such as individual mailbox size, the ability to synchronize to email clients and mobile devices with Exchange-like features, etc., and 
2.    Reduce both domain and server administrator labor. With the module installed, the process of setting up a SmarterMail server, then managing domains and accounts on the server, is automated through WHMCS. 

For complete documentation on how to install both, and information on setting up servers, creating product groups and products, setting up configurable options, and more please see

As with our previous modules, these are created as an open source project, and they follow the standard open source licensing. Therefore, you are free to modify any files to suit your needs.


Version 1.0.3 (7/15/2024)
  • Fixed an issue where users could se their account mailbox sizes higher than the max domain disk space.
  • Added a button that allows Administrators to select if they want domain administrators to be able to manage user mailbox size.
Version 1.0.2 (1/4/2024)
  • Fixed an issue where initial order submissions succeeded, but generated MySQL errors in WHMCS.
  • Fixed an issue where the provisioning process for new domains failed due to a missing $ in one of the PHP files.
Version 1.0.1 (7/24/2023)
  • Updated how Configurable Items work -- now add to existing allocations.
  • Fixed an issue with values not being set correctly for some Configurable Items.
  • Updated "Show in GAL" for aliases to "Show in Global Address List.
  • Removed unused admin page(s).
  • General clean up of text.
Version 1.0 (6-21-2023)
  • Initial release


so great to see this ! is there a minimum WHMCS or PHP requirements? cheers
ALEKSEY ANISIMOV (10/11/2024 at 4:46 AM)
It should work with the latest of both.
Derek Curtis (10/13/2024 at 11:31 AM)
Does it work with version 8.12 of WHMCS?
Oliver (2/13/2025 at 1:30 PM)
Hi, Oliver

It does work with 8.12, but only on Linux. From what we're seeing, WHMCS is now only for the LAMP environment and is no longer supported on Windows.

Derek Curtis (2/17/2025 at 11:07 AM)