A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.
Problem reported by Gary Steiner - 5/16/2016 at 7:34 AM
Under Web Interface Logs > Scheduled Email Reports
you will occasionally see an error which reads
"A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later"
It would be more helpful if the error message gave the site and user of the email report so that the problem could be examined.  The default would be to think that this error resulted from an unprocessed log file, but it could also be caused by a configuration error.  Without knowing the site and user, there is no way to correct the configuration error.

2 Replies

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Gary Steiner Replied
For example, here's a list from yesterday's Scheduled Email Reports log:

[5/16/2016 7:13:42 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 7:13:42 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 7:13:43 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 7:13:43 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:13:56 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:13:56 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:13:56 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:13:56 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:43:56 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:43:57 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:43:57 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
[5/16/2016 10:43:57 AM] A scheduled email report was attempted but no data was available.  Will try again later
Is there any other log that will indicate which sites and users attempted to send the report?  How do I find out which reports are not being sent?
(This is from SmarterStats Enterprise Edition 11.0.5932)
Gary Steiner Replied
Since I upgraded to 11.0.5932 from 10.5.5751 on 5/16/16, none of the files in MRS/App_Data/Logs have been changed.  The file EmailReports.log has not been changed even though Scheduled Email Reports have been created and delivered in the days since then.

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