I have been using forward-confirmed DNS on both HELO and RDNS for a long time. I can provide a Python script, callable from Declude, if others want to start using fcDNS tests immediately.
I don't understand why CNAME matters, and have never tested for it. I would be interested in having someone clarifiy that concern.
For verifying server names, I assume that the server name is verified if:
- fcDNS on HELO is true, or
- fcDNS on ReverseDNS is true AND the HELO name is in the same PSL organization as HELO.
(EDIT: In the statistics below, the middle statistic was originally mislabeled.)
I don't use fcDNS results directly for dispositioning, but they are a powerful clue. These are my results:
121% HELO unverified
4.3% ReverseDNS verified but unrelated to unverified HELO
63.8% HELO verified by fcDNS directly
Outlook.com is the primary source of indirect verification, because their HELO names never confirm but ReverseDNS names always do and both names have the same parent domain.
Here are my percentages for messagse that are allowed to proceed to content filtering, after all sender verification tests are applied:
HELO verified directly, 90% allowed
ReverseDNS verified but unrelated to unverified HELO, 7.1% allowed
HELO not verified, 2.9% allowed