When you sign up for Hosted SmarterTrack, we will automatically create a website for you using the smartertrack.com domain name. However, not all customers want to use a domain name that is different than their own. For example, instead of sending customers a domain like your-name.smartertrack.com, they want to use support.your-name.com or something similar. This is especially true when companies use a single Hosted SmarterTrack account for supporting multiple brands: they want a unique URL for each brand's support portal. This is accomplished using host headers.
SmarterTrack uses host headers to identify which brand is displayed in the portal. In general, a host header allows users to access different brands by inputting in a unique, customized URL instead of an IP address. Therefore, if you wish to use SmarterTrack's branding feature, it's a good idea to set up a host header for each branded site.
DNS Configuration
First, you'll want to configure "CNAME" records with your DNS provider to associate your hosted SmarterTrack URL (e.g., site.smartertrack.com) with your custom URL (e.g., support.your-domain.com). One "CNAME" record is required for each unique domain (or sub-domain) that will be associated to your SmarterTrack URL. For example, support.domain1.com, support.domain2.com, etc. would each require a host header entry.
Adding a Host Header to Your Account
To add a host header for Hosted SmarterTrack follow the steps below:
- Visit the SmarterTools website and click on the account icon in the upper right. (Noted by the red arrow.)

- Once logged in, select Hosted Services from the dropdown.

- Find the appropriate site URL and click Manage Domains.

- Add the host header in Custom Domain Names box.
- Click Save.

Adding a Host Header to SmarterTrack
To add a host header for a brand within SmarterTrack, follow these steps:
- Log in to SmarterTrack as a system administrator.
- Click the Settings icon.
- Click Brands. A list of available brands will load in the content pane.
- Select the desired brand and click Edit.

- In the options tab, type the host header(s) in the field.
- Click Save.

NOTE: Host headers cannot be edited for the default brand.
For more information, please refer to the Brands page of the SmarterTrack Online Help.
Learn more about SmarterTrack’s email ticket system and how it will help you improve your customer service.