SM MAPI Autodiscover
Question asked by Matthew Titley - 9/23/2024 at 12:21 PM
Hi all. As more and more clients use MAPI, I want to eliminate any certificate errors during Outlook account setup. Using the autodiscover DNS SRV method works and everything connects fine. However, Outlook attempts to connect to "https://autodiscover.customerdomain.com" which fails as we haven't set up SSL certs for customer domains. Of course, Apple devices setup with no errors at all, just Outlook as far as I've seen so far. I suppose that the new implementation of let's encrypt in SM can resolve this. How are others handling MAPI implementations? Thx


2 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hi Matt! This is something our customers run into while deploying MAPI users, so this is a good chance to outline the steps Outlook takes when connecting to a MAPI account. When adding MAPI to an Outlook installation it (Outlook) will check a couple of things as part of it's autodiscover routine and if any of these generate certificate or other errors it might cause account setup to fail and so this is where we advise customers to focus: 

- Does https://mail.customer-domain.com reach the SmarterMail web interface without errors? 
- Does https://autodiscover.customer-domain.com reach the SmarterMail web interface without errors?
- Does the customer-domain.com DNS server contain an SRV record at _autodiscover._tcp.customer-domain.com referencing mail.customer-domain.com on port 443?

So long as the requirements above are met MAPI users should setup successfully without much trouble! Our newly implemented SNI support and built-in SSL generation does account for this via the default hostnames configurations you'll see when setting that up in SmarterMail. This newly added support will not correct issues on the last point I noted above however, and this will require you implement a redirect of sorts on that web server to ensure those calls make it back to the MAPI server interfaces. 

I'm sure there are LOTS of other ways to do this but wanted to add my two cents. I hope that helps!
Kyle Kerst IT Coordinator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Matthew Titley Replied
Kyle, I'm going to open a ticket if you don't mind. Could you be on the lookout for it?


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