Visibility of recently transferred tickets
Question asked by Shannon Yates - 8/20/2024 at 8:04 AM

We found the following in the online support:

To view tickets by recent activity, select Tickets from the navigator. Within an agent's tickets area there are two sections for recent tickets: Recent and Recently Transferred. These sections allow agents to more easily locate tickets. The Recent view will show the 100 most recent tickets that an agent has touched or modified, regardless of ticket status. (I.e., Active, Waiting, or Closed.) "Touched" or "modified" includes tickets that have been responded to, had comments added, the ticket status changed, etc. The Recently Transferred view will show the 100 most recent tickets that have been transferred from an agent's queue, regardless of whether the agent transferred the ticket out or if an agent has taken the ticket. Tickets within these two sections are sorted by most recent activity, with the most recent shown at the top.

I have been presented with the following question:

Is there a reason why "recent" and "recently transferred" tickets would be blank when we have recent tickets and recently transferred tickets?

Is there a permission that needs set for it? Even the actual administrator (the installation admin) on the system cannot see them:

Thank you,

Thank you,
Shannon Yates
 Help Desk
  Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923
12487 Plaza Drive  |  Cleveland, Ohio  44130-1084

11 Replies

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello Shannon, The only reason this should be this way is if they are a new user and have not touched any tickets yet. If they go in and add a comment to a ticket does that ticket load into recent? 
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shannon Yates Replied
Thank you Tony. We have found that we have a user that is adding comments to the tickets but the ticket is not found under the recent section, We have other users who are able to view their recent tickets without any issues. Any ideas what to look into next?
Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084
Shannon Yates Replied
I just wanted to follow up with the update that I had previously sent, thank you.
Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084
Jereming Chen Replied
Employee Post
Hello Shannon,

We have been unable to replicate this behavior on our latest build 9007. Could you create a ticket for us with RSAA to investigate this further?
Jereming Chen System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shannon Yates Replied

Thank you for your response. Our company will not sign a RSAA but we can do a TEAMS meeting so that the user experiencing the issue can demonstrate the issue. Will that work for your group?
Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Shannon

Regarding the installation admin not seeing tickets or Recent and Recently Transferred, if this person ONLY has the Admin Role, and not an Agent or Manager Role as well, then they won't see any tickets or ticket-related items. They're treated as just an admin (and they don't decrement the Agent count for that reason). So that may be why the installing admin doesn't see Recent or Recently Transferred. 

As for the others, my guess is this is a Roles issue, and a permissions issue. First off, Recently Transferred tickets are those that are transferred away from an agent. It doesn't include tickets transferred TO an agent, only tickets transferred AWAY from an agent. 

If a ticket is taken from an Agent by another Agent, but that Agent is in a Department that the first Agent is not part of, it will not show in Recently Transferred. 

This is sort of the same for Recent. An Agent needs to be in a Department in order to see any interactions with tickets within that Department. So, if an Agent comments a ticket that's transferred to a Department they're not a part of, that ticket won't show in Recent or Recently Transferred. 

Now there IS a setting for Managers to see tickets in other Departments that they're not affiliated with. You can try changing that setting for one or more Departments. For Agents, there's something similar, but not the same: tickets in other Departments can be found using Advanced Search for Agents. That's a setting as well. This is at the bottom of the Options tab when setting up a Department: 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shannon Yates Replied

Thank you, that provided me with a lot of information.  It did also raise a question.

I have a agent who has the role of manager but is not an agent in any department that we have set up. They have created a ticket where the agent in that department sent a response back. The manager replied to the ticket which now went back to the agent in the department. Should the manager be able to see this ticket in recent or recently transferred tickets if the following setting is set, allow managers outside this Department to view its contents? Currently the manager cannot see the ticket in either of the recent options.
Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Shannon

If the Department the ticket was sent to has that setting enabled (Allow managers outside of this Department to view its contents) then yes, the manager should be able to see that ticket in Recent. Is that Department set up that way? 

It can be kind of confusing, as, in an office setting, a manager can walk around to different departments and interact with people in that department. With SmarterTrack, however, the manager must be part of that department in order to interact with tickets in that department. It has to be siloed like this due to being able to use SmarterTrack with different Brands: there needs to be constraints as you may not want Managers and Agents from one Brand to see things in another Brand (tickets, Departments, etc.). 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shannon Yates Replied
I had the user create a ticket. The ticket was created in the incorrect department (on purpose) so it was transferred to another department. The agent in that department responded to the ticket and it went back to the manager.  When the manager is in the management interface, there is nothing showing for their tickets. The manager can only respond to their ticket under the Tickets option from the main page of the portal. The manager did reply to the ticket from that location and went back to the management interface to see if the recent or recently transferred items were updated. Nothing is showing in either one.  The department (all of them) are set to Allow managers outside of this Department to view its contents.

Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Shannon, I'm sorry but I'm confused by this:

"The agent in that department responded to the ticket and it went back to the manager."

Did the manager interact with the ticket in any way? Did they comment it, or reply to it? 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shannon Yates Replied
The only interaction is that they created the ticket. When the agent replies to the manager who created the ticket it then gets sent back to the manager. Shouldn't the manager be able to see this ticket within the management interface under My Tickets or can they only view the ticket from the portal since they did not respond yet?

I had the manager respond to the ticket and they still cannot see the ticket under My Tickets in the management interface as well as they do not see the ticket they just responded to in the recent ticket option.
Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084

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