Question asked by TK - 12/4/2023 at 12:13 AM
Delegation is possible since early this year. The api contains requests to list and remove delegation. I didn't see an api to create a delegation which is needed so automation can take place. I know it is possible to do so in outlook, but that is not sufficient. Did I overlook the api or are there plans to have one?

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
No, you did not overlook it.  We do not provide delegation capabilities in the web mail interface and therefore have no API's.  We have not had requests for delegation in web mail as most used a client like eM Client or Microsoft Outlook.  If you would like to tie into delegation programmatically, you could do it using the EWS protocol which is much more simple than MAPI.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
TK Replied
Thanks. Providing delegation compatibility through an api is an often requested feature from admins. User in role X will have delegated permissions on some marketing mailbox, etc. The admin triggers this upon staff onboarding and not through the outlook manually for several employees. using ews (deprecated) can work and if you have a direct reference to this specific call that would be appreciated, still it requires to use a different api and having it in the smartermail api would streamline this process. 

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