Use an Icon for Report Spam
Idea shared by kevind - 1/4/2023 at 5:55 PM
Both Google and Microsoft use an icon with an exclamation point to Report Spam.
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Suggest that SmarterMail do the same for consistency.

As a benefit, it would free up space for a standalone Forward button so it doesn't have to be a drop-down on the Reply button.

3 Replies

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If both Google and Microsoft do it, that's probably >50% of all mailboxes on the Internet.  Seems like this should be considered?

Any thoughts on this from SmarterTools?  Just looking for a reply as we're putting effort into providing comments, suggestions, and feedback on the beta version...
Andrea Free Replied
Employee Post
Hi Kevin, 

We appreciate the feedback and are certainly considering the requests! In this new build, however, we actually made an effort to remove icons in favor of words. We find this to be more transparent, allowing users to know what they're clicking on at a glance, and we've been adapting this change across all products. 

Andrea Free SmarterTools Inc. 877-357-6278 www.smartertools.com
OK, then why not just have 1-word "Junk" button instead of "Move to Junk" 

All the other buttons are 1 word: Reply, Delete, etc.  Then you'd have room to add a "Forward" button.

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