Build Notes 7894
Question asked by J Lee - 8/12/2021 at 10:18 PM
Hi All

Post your experience with Build 7894. We have been waiting for a fix in this upgrade and need to run it.

J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273

40 Replies

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J Lee Replied
Update complete, so far so good, CPU usage is way down. This appears to have been an issue with syncing 1000s of shared folders. 
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
J Lee Replied
About 12 hours live no issues
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
no issues here
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Michael Replied
Potential issue that PDF attachments perhaps with non English encoding are not coming through. We're investigating.

UPDATE: we have only seen this on one inbound message and continue to investigate. The create new users bug below sounds interesting, but we have not replicated it yet.
Patrick Mattson Replied
I upgraded and I might have an issue.

I am trying to add an account to a domain. It gives me an error failed to create user or something like that.

I go back in and try to add it again same name and then it tells me it already exists, but does not appear in my list.

Tried it with another domain and same results.

Tried it with a different browser and in private mode, same thing cannot see the new user account.

I am creating a ticket after I submit this.
Sébastien Riccio Replied
Thanks for the feedback. Update planned for this night. I'll post if anything strange comes up.

Out of topic: Are you guys able to "Thumbs up" people replies on the community. I tried to to thumb up some replies here but it displays "1" and then quickly goes back to "0" huh :)
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
viv burrows Replied
Correct thumbs up doesn't work currently
Christian Schmit Replied
I can confirm the issue that Patrick has reported about adding new users in build 7894. Adding a new user shows an error message. The users however seems to have been created and reloading the domain makes it appear in the users list of that domain.

I will submit a ticket regarding this issue.
Juan Lai Replied
I have the same issue (failed to add new user) on a brand new test environment.
And even my interface is not English. these error message showed English all the time. 
Sébastien Riccio Replied
I can confirm the "new user issue". I've decided to postpone the upgrade of our production rig and installed it on your testing environement.

- Adding a user returns a "Failed to add user" red toaster.
- Trying again to add the same user returns a "User already exists" red toaster.
- Still the user doesn't appear in the accounts list and the "already existing" user cannot be used (can't login on any service with it)
- A domain reload makes the user appear and usable

It's a no go for our production rig upgrade as the issue is probably the same when adding users from our control panel through the API (as the admin web interface uses the api too).

I've re-read the changelog of the build but can't identify an entry that seems related to the user creation area.

Thanks a lot to J Lee for reporting this. You're a life saver.

Side node:
I tried to paste screenshots on here but it seems it is still buggy as per:
Please also fix the new thumbs up issue while you're at it :)
EDIT: thumbs up seems to be working again today huh
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
echoDreamz Replied
New users is broken for our API (legacy API) since this build as well. No more breaking our 1 week rule... The QC here is a bit wild.
Juan Lai Replied
If you create a new account. It will show failed to add user.
Reload domain then this account will appear.
It's funny if you delete this user and then create the same user account.
Then the user will be created successfully again,.

Patrick Mattson Replied
Just got word from Kyle he is able to reproduce the issue and is escalating the problem.
Bruce Replied
Build 7894 just crashed for me with the following in the event windows logs:

System.ArgumentException: Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.
   at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ToArray()
   at MailService.TcpServerLib.SMTP.SMTPSession.IsSenderASpammerAsync(Boolean badAddress, Boolean fromHeader, String sendersAddress)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Hey all, we know what the issue is with adding new user's and it's all folder related.  This is why adding user's from webmail or from the legacy API is not working.  We should have a hot fix coming soon.

@Bruce, thanks for pointing out the crash and providing the stack trace.  The stack trace helped us find the issue as well and we're currently fixing it.  This isn't code that was recently changed but seemed to be timing related.  This fix will also be coming as well.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ben Replied
Upgraded on Sunday and this morning people are reporting outgoing mail is stuck in outbox (Outlook mapi)

I'm rushing back to the office to check this, as mobile EAS is working fine.
Patrick Mattson Replied
I just had a customer call and say the same thing.

His MAPI is not sending.

Not sure if they are related.

I did get rid of an IMAP account he had for a person who left the company. The MAPI started sending the emails.
Michael Replied
lo. I can't thumbs up any of the posts above. But I appreciate the good communication.
J Lee Replied
Closing Outlook desktop and reopening it appears to have cleared the Out Box issue for MAPI for my users.
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi all,  

Some updates for you:

- Issue with adding users/domains
- Crashing issue with "Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds." error

As Larry mentioned above, the development team has resolved the issue that prevents user accounts (and, subsequently, domains) from being created. They've also resolved a timing issue that could cause SmarterMail to crash with an error of "Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds." A custom build is available that contains these two fixes. I will ensure that all participants of this thread have received the custom build. If anyone else would like the custom build, please submit a support ticket with the request.

Note that after upgrading to the custom build, any users or domains that were added (in a broken state) on Build 7894, will be shown in the domain/user lists. We've found that impersonating the user will update the folder on disk to include all of the appropriate files/folders. However, for best results, and in an effort to avoid any unexpected situations, I'd recommend that you delete and re-create any accounts or domains that were added in Build 7894.

- Issue with upvoting comments in a Community thread
We are aware of this issue and are working on a resolution for it. When the fix has been reviewed, we will push it to our servers so this issue is resolved for our Community.

- Issue with Outlook MAPI
We are not aware of any known issues with Outlook MAPI responsiveness post-upgrade to Build 7894. If you are experiencing issues with MAPI accounts, please submit a ticket for direct review.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
Michael Replied
Look forward to that custom build.

Re- Issue with Outlook MAPI 
We have seen intermittent issues where messages get stuck in the Outlook Outbox for users with MAPI. Restarting Outlook solves the issue. The messages send as soon as Outlook restarts. The issue does not seem unique to this build. We've seen it over the last several builds. In some conditions TBD connection to the server seems stuck or lost and the only way to send is restart Outlook. 
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for your follow-up on this Michael. Since the send issues don't stem from one build in particular, this would lead me to believe we're looking at an account or domain-specific issue. Can I have you submit a ticket on this with the full username of an affected account? Thanks!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
echoDreamz Replied
Custom build resolves the user creation issues we were experiencing. All is well again. Thanks guys!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the confirmation, Chris! I'm happy to hear that it's been resolved with the custom build. We'll be releasing a public build with this resolution in the near future. 
Patrick Mattson Replied
Worked for me too. Just deleted the accounts I created.
Ionel Aurelian Rau Replied
We`ve definitely also had issues with MAPI not sending (mails were getting stuck in Outlook and then Outlook would fail to update emails as well), but on Build 7879. We had this reported by multiple people and I experienced it myself as well. Updating to Build 7887 fixed that, thankfully, and we did not update further to Build 7894 and will postpone doing so for now as Build 7887 is the most stable we`ve had in a very long time.
Frank Jensen Replied
Where can I find the custom build? Or would you recommend a older version if I want the most error free version?
FrankyBoy Replied
Had two same issues with 7894 :

1-Add user have a bug
2- Some emails stuck in outbox until we restart Outlook (MAPI).

Rolled back to 7887 until next release. Will open ticket to have access to custom build too.
Bruce Replied
I have tested the custom build SmarterMail_7898.exe and can confirm that the bug to add users through the web interface and legacy API has been fixed.
digital.iway Replied
I am also having this add user issue and need to allow my customers to add.  when will the fix be public and can you provide me a custom build?

J Lee Replied
I have tested the custom build SmarterMail_7898.exe and can confirm that the bug to add users and MAPI outbox appear to be working.
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
Tyler Raley Replied
Installed the custom build and can confirm this also fixed our "add user" bug. We then opened the admin logs to search for any new users, deleted and recreated the accounts.
Patrick Mattson Replied
I might have another issue that came up. Still working through it and have a ticket open.

For some reason I have two customers who have contacts saved and they are no longer appearing in Outlook or on the website. There is a file named acquaintances.json that seems to contain contacts.

At first this was one person now I seem to have another in another domain.
Sébastien Riccio Replied
If i'm not wrong acquaintances.json is used to store contacts for contacts auto suggestions when typing recipients adresses. Not sure it is used for anything else.
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Patrick Mattson Replied
I have had two clients not seeing contacts in Outlook after upgrading. When I go to the website and impersonate the account, I only see the accounts within that domain or the GAL.

The acquaintances.json file appears to be the contacts they are missing.

Support has told me I need to replace some other files, because they have become corrupt, now I worry I need to do this for all my accounts. My big question is why did this happen in the first place. I have mentioned to support that replacing every file is not a good option to restore all the files.

To restore the files I need to stop the mail service and restore files.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Patrick, as I noted in the support ticket the root cause behind missing or corrupted contacts (JSON file) is usually an antivirus, disk issue, or unexpected reboots of the server. In your case this looks to have been introduced by your Windows Defender installation. That being said, I'm not positive that is what is going on here as we're still investigating. Based off of the backups you've restored for review though, this does not look to be an upgrade issue.
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Michael Replied
Re- Issue with Outlook MAPI  
Messages stuck in the Outlook Outbox seems to be happening most frequently with laptop users that roam from Ethernet connection to Wifi AP to other Wifi AP. Their machine sleeps. Comes back up. Reconnects. Etc. Then eventually, Outlook with show the MAPI connection is broken. Restarting Outlook brings the connection back up and the Outbox messages send. What's odd is that inbound messages come in fine. So it's only affecting the outbound messages. Send/receive F9 does not help. Only restarting outlook. The custom build SmarterMail_7898.exe does not solve this issue.

@kyle per your note above, I'll go ahead an open a support ticket. But I'm glad to see others are also having stuck Outbox messages. It feels a lot like a connectivity issue vs. domain or user related. We're seeing the issue across users and across domains.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Sounds good Michael, we'll get to the bottom of it for you!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Larry Townsend Replied
Any update on the Outlook MAPI Issue?  Build 7929 still not sending and restart did not correct.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
@Larry: I checked on the ticket Michael noted and it looks like this was a combination of troubles. These users had appointments/appointment updates hung up in the outbox that were preventing a clean sync. Additionally, the version was upgraded and the affected client was re-synced (including removal of sync key from Settings>Connectivity>Synchronized Devices) and this resolved those outgoing email issues. If you're having similar issues please submit a ticket with us and we'd be happy to help dig into it. Have a good one!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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