Reports for Countries does not work on Build 7219
Problem reported by BMark - 10/18/2019 at 3:02 AM
Good morning, after updating SmarterStats to  Build 7219 you no longer view "Reports for Countries" (with any type and date range). 
Does anyone have the same mistake? Is it a bug? 

Thank you 

8 Replies

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BMark Replied
Does anyone have this problem?
BMark Replied
Problem solved through ticket support by the excellent and kind Kyle Kerst
Thank you!
Bruce Replied
I have nothing coming up for 'Reports in Countries' either.

What was the fix?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
This should be resolved in an upcoming public release, but can be resolved immediately by rolling out the following build: 

Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Bruce Replied
Thank you, Kyle.

I have updated to the version you posted and it country reports is now working.
XT Replied
Custom build works for the countries issue but under Server health page utilization tab everything still in blank.
Bruce Replied
Same for me, "Server Health -> Page Utilization' is also blank.
echoDreamz Replied
The build in this thread did fix the issue, however, as others have said, the page utilization reports are broken.

04:26:06 Start Query: /UriOptimization/ImageBandwidthOut
 (63 Used/1609 Free) 04:26:06
{"SiteID":1,"DateStart":"2020-02-16T00:00:00","DateStop":"2020-02-22T00:00:00","OrderBy":"bandwidthout desc","MaxRows":10,"ItemsToInclude":[""],"Collection":"","CompetitorID":1,"FilterSet":""}  (63 Used/1609 Free)
04:26:06 End Query: /UriOptimization/ImageBandwidthOut [11 ms]
 (63 Used/1609 Free) 
No data is returned.

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