Notification Pop-Up Not Functioning Well
Problem reported by Teng Wen Jie - 4/10/2019 at 7:51 AM

We had set the notification in smartermail, when the time reach, we received the notification email. But, notification pop-up is not functioning even after we enabled the browser pop-up.

14 Replies

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Teng Wen Jie Replied
any update?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Do you have an SSL certificate deployed to your web interface? Also, try clicking the lock icon by the address and make sure the Notifications are enabled there as well. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Teng Wen Jie Replied
Hi, yes with SSL Certificate.


Employee Replied
Employee Post
Teng Wen Jie, what version of SmarterMail are you running?  There was a fix in Build 7040 for calendar notifications not firing in the web interface.  Additionally, there will be a fix in the next public release for task notifications not firing in the web interface.
echoDreamz Replied
Awesome Robert! Was just about to open a ticket for the task notification issue. Glad to hear it is fixed.
mark Replied
I use Version 7053, but the issue is not fixed. I got no notivication.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Mark, are you not seeing this in your interface at all?
Also make certain that you have allowed browser notifications as Kyle mentioned above.  And lastly, please verify that SignalR is working in the browser in question.  If you open in the browser developer console (typically pressing F12 or right-click on page and Inspect), you should see something like the following:
mark Replied
I got this It don't work.

Employee Replied
Employee Post
You can try restarting the app pool.  Many times if SignalR fails, an app pool restart will fix it.
Michael Replied
The notification bell is certainly wonky. We're on Build 7053 and we notice that when we dismiss alerts and close the pop up, the notification bell # still shows at top right until you force refresh the page. The bell should auto refresh itself.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Michael, I have added the notification bell count not refreshing to our bugs list.
mark Replied
I restarted the app pool  but it did't fix it.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Do you have any script blockers or other addons in your browser? I wonder if the SignalR callback is being blocked somewhere.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
mark Replied
No I hav any script blockers. It tested it with firefox and edge. All the same.

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