API upgrade
Idea shared by Yannick Guerdat - 3/4/2019 at 1:14 PM

Actually we are planning to create a dashboard for our customers where they can found some informations regarding the time spend on each ticket, the price of each support and so on. 

The actual API is really limited and we are wondering if you guys are planning to deliver soon a new release ? 

Bellow just a few samples of missing features in the Web Service features : 

  • SSO - Session Sharing (JWT)
  • List all the tickets of an organization (with time range)
  • Logging as a user to get it's own infos (based on the SSO) instead of using an agent account
  • Listing the users who are able in an organization to browse tickets of the other organization's members. 
  • Language spoken by the user
  • ... 

We are wondering if you plan to upgrade your API soon ? Else we think to request the datas directly from our MS SQL Server.

Thanks for your feedback
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions

5 Replies

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Eric McCarthy Replied
Employee Post
Currently there are no specific plans to update the API. We do have an internal list of things we are looking at adding or updating with the API. Some of the items you have listed are already a part of this internal list, but this is still in the early stages of discussion. I cannot guarantee which items will make it through our discussions.

We caution getting some of these items from the database, since the associations may be purely logic driven in the code instead of direct relationships within the database. Attempting to retrieve this information directly from the database may result in different data than is provided by SmarterTrack.
Eric McCarthy Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Dear Eric,

I'm really not fan of grabbing the data directly in the database instead of via the API, but if the data are not present and I nedd to expose them to my customers, I have no other way. 

We are actually doing a list of all what is missing with the current API. We can share it with you if you are interested. 

Best regards
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions
Eric McCarthy Replied
Employee Post
If these are things you wish to see implemented, please send us the list. We will add them to our internal discussions to see if we can add them to the API.
Eric McCarthy Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
From the list you provided in your initial post, we plan to implement the following:

  • List of all tickets created for an organization during a specified time period. This will be implemented as a new API function.
  • Language preference selected by a user. This will be implemented as part of the existing GetUsersProperties and GetUsersPropertiesbyUsername API functions.
In addition, as noted in Does SmarterTrack show brand and department numeric IDs anywhere?, we intend to add a section to the API documentation for obtaining various IDs. 

Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hello Andrew,

Sounds really good. Do you have any release date for ?

Best regards
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions

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