Canned Replies stopped working after upgrade to SmarterTrack 14
Problem reported by hraud - 9/14/2018 at 7:28 AM
Just upgraded from SmarterTrack 13 to 14. Upgrade went smoothly. Using local MySQL database.

However, now we are unable to insert canned replies. When have a ticket reply open and click on "Insert Canned Reply", the "Insert Canned Reply" pop-up appears with the list of canned replies, and a single "Cancel" button at the bottom. If click on any of the canned replies, the pop-up simply refreshes and looks exactly the same.

In SmarterTrack 13, the contents of the selected canned reply would appear, and there would be an "Insert" button. 

Did something go wrong with the upgrade? Any idea how to fix this?


5 Replies

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Eric McCarthy Replied
Employee Post
We are unaware of any issue with insert canned replies in SmarterTrack 14. We have tested locally and have been unable to reproduce the results you mentioned. You may need to open a support ticket to get more personalized support.
Eric McCarthy Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Henry -- it does sound like something went sideways on the upgrade. Just to make sure, you performed the standard upgrade of uninstalling the old version and then reinstalling the new as per our general upgrade guidelines? (Just want to make sure.)

I'd suggest maybe trying again. We've not had any other tickets on inserting canned replies after the upgrade, so I'm not quite sure what could be going on. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
hraud Replied
Yes, I performed the standard upgrade, following the instructions to uninstall and reinstall. 

I just tried it again, and the problem with canned replies is still there.  

I will open a support ticket. Thanks for your help.

hraud Replied
Marked As Resolution
Problem resolved.

Before opening a support ticket, I tried a different browser, and canned replies worked fine. I was using Google Chrome in Windows, and Chrome was left open throughout the SmarterTrack upgrade, but not logged into SmarterTrack. I cleared my Chrome cookies and cache, but that did not fix the problem.  I closed the browser and rebooted my laptop.  Now canned replies work just fine in my Chrome browser. So the problem was my browser all along.

Posting the resolution here in case anyone else runs into the same problem.

Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Excellent. Thanks for the updated, Henry. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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