Initial Chat Message
Idea shared by Lance Rasmussen - 9/10/2018 at 3:18 PM
It would be nice to have an initial text be sent to the customer in their chat dialog box so that it can include instructions.  This should be based on department instead of company global.

Unfortunately, we deal with a very heavy load of older customers who just simply don't know how online chats work.   So to be able to add a statement like:

"You have reached a member of our Technical Support Team. Please remember that you must press the ENTER key on your keyboard after entering your reply each time or they will be unable to see your responses. Our agent may ask for your serial number and name if you did not enter that information when you started this chat".

The number of customers who do not know how to use the enter key in a chat is staggering.

2 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Lance. I can see the value in that. We're working on SmarterTrack 15 right now, so I'll bring it up to the developers. Their Track 15 feature list is pretty full, but they may be able to add this, time permitting. Thanks for the suggestion!
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
You know, Lance...I was thinking about this last night and you DO have the ability to set a Welcome message, by Department, in Live Chat. See the screenshot:
You can set up a Welcome Message for each department you have set up for Live Chat, as well as the "waiting" message the customer sees prior to reaching an agent, and even the "Agent Welcome" message that appears once a chat is handed off to an agent in that Department. I think either of those, or all of them, would fill your need.

To get to this area, log in as an Admin, then go to Settings and under Configuration, click Live Chat. Select and edit a Department, and when the modal appears, click the Custom Messages tab. Here you'll see your options. I think that will work out for you.  
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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