Search for All Tickets or Live Chats For a Specific Customer

This article applies to recent versions of SmarterTrack. View articles for SmarterTrack 14.x and earlier.

On occasion, an Agent may need to view all of the tickets or live chats that are associated to a specific customer. Agents may utilize the User Details functionality by clicking on a user's email address in the ticket or live chat header. This will open a popup window containing all communications as well as all of the specific user's details. In addition, Agents can use SmarterTrack's Advanced Search functions to search by tickets or live chats to pull all items assigned to a specific user's email address.

Searching for a Customer's Tickets

Follow these steps to search for all of the Tickets associated to a specific customer:

  1. Log in to the SmarterTrack management interface using your login credentials. (Advanced search is available to both Agents and Managers.)
  2. Click the Tickets icon.
  3. Under the Global Tickets header, click Advanced Search.
  4. In the Email Address field, type the customer's email address.
  5. Adjust the Date Range field to encompass the dates the search covers. It's also possible to restrict results by Group, Status, Ticket Priority and more.
  6. Click the Search button. All relevant results are returned in the content pane.

Searching for a Customer's Live Chats

Follow these steps to search for all of the Live Chats associated to a specific customer:

  1. Log in to the SmarterTrack management interface using your login credentials. (Advanced search is available to both Agents and Managers.)
  2. Click the Live Chat icon.
  3. Under the Global Live Chats header, click Advanced Search.
  4. In the Email Address field, type the customer's email address.
  5. Adjust the Date Range field to encompass the dates the search covers. It's also possible to restrict results by Group, Status, Ticket Priority and more.
  6. Click the Search button. All relevant results are returned in the content pane. 


Learn more about SmarterTrack’s email ticket system and how it will help you improve your customer service.