Any attachment that comes in on a ticket turns into a winmail.dat file, how do i fix this?
Question asked by Randy Newby - 2/20/2018 at 8:44 AM
Any attachment that comes in turns into  "winmail.dat" file. How can we fix this so we can see pdfs, jpegs etc?

4 Replies

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Randy Newby Replied
also, i believe we just figured out it is only coming from clients that use outlook.
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Randy,
SmarterTrack does not make any changes to the attachments that come in on a ticket. It will simply attach what it was given from the email. The winmail.dat file is coming from the sender, and I believe a simple configuration change within your client's Outlook application is all that's needed to fix this issue.
This article from Trello provides a good write-up of the possible solution: https://help.trello.com/article/774-emailed-attachments-show-up-as-winmaildat-file. Please give this a review and let me know if making these changes in your client's Outlook app makes a difference. 
Randy Newby Replied
I have deleted the autocomplete entry or the contact to ensure that Outlook will respect the global settings. This has fixed, as of now, both of the issues I have been having coming from specific people. After a test email from each of these accounts, both emails come in as the appropriate file extension as to what was sent.

Thank you.
Grzegorz Grabowski Replied
We have the same problem but with emails send as HTML from Outlook. Emails send as RTF we receive with readable attachment.

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