Custom URL for Each Brand's Email Links
Question asked by Tim DeMeza - 2/6/2018 at 9:43 AM
I have configured the domain URL in Settings -> configuration -> management interface -> SmarterTrack Base URL..  But this does not seem to be reflective of the Host Headers.  
So this is what I am looking for:  
When a ticket is created inside of a brand portal..  I want the email that is sent to the end user to have the correct URL for the portal in which they created the ticket.  
For example if a user comes into the helpdesk with the URL / Host Header (helpdesk.domain.com) any email correspondence to and from that user should contain the link to the correct Brand URL.  In other words..  helpdesk.domain.com..
However, if I have another user that is a corporate user and they come in on host header corp.helpdesk.com, again the URL in all communication with that user should reflect that URL / Host Header. 
Am I missing something?  Or should that configuration simply be related to the custom host header?
Thank you.

3 Replies

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Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
Without knowing a little bit more about your setup, it's hard to provide any helpful recommendations. If you could answer the following questions, it might help with trying to determine the best way to achieve your goal:
  • Are each of your portal URLs associated with the same brand, or separate brands? SmarterTrack does permit associating multiple portal URLs, or host headers, with the same brand. Regardless of which setup you have, there is a solution, it is simply a matter of which approach is appropriate for you.
  • Are you trying to simply include a link to the appropriate domain in the email, or are you trying to use the incoming domain to determine the appropriate sending email address? Both are possible, and have similar solutions.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Tim DeMeza Replied
Hi Andrew,
Portal URL's are for different brands. (which is why we really need user separation.)

I want to use the correct link to the appropriate domain in the email (outbound communication to a user based on the brand that the ticket is associated to.)

Thank you,
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Thanks for the additional information.
It sounds like the best way to accomplish what you want is to set up Ticket signatures. Signatures can be configured to be brand, department, or group specific, and will automatically be included on every response sent from the SmarterTrack management interface. For instructions on how to set up signatures, please see the KB article Create a Default Signature for Tickets.
Please be aware that even though it is included in the outbound messages, SmarterTrack will try to hide the signature when displaying tickets in order to reduce clutter. If you wish to see the signature on a message, you can use the View HTML option.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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