Ticket sort does not stick!
Idea shared by Michael Woffenden - 11/7/2017 at 5:56 AM
I need tickets sorted in a certain way, and when I sort tickets I want them to stay sorted that way -- until I change the sort.  But when I refresh the page, the sort reverts back to "idle - descending".
Any chance on getting a fix for this?

8 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Ticket sort order isn't persistent. Therefore, what I'm going to do is change this to an Idea. I've already pinged the SmarterTrack developers on it as this is the second request I've seen for keeping sort order set, even on refresh.  
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ok, thanks would really love to see this!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi  Michael,
This has been resolved in today's update of SmarterTrack 13.0.6521.
Added: In all sections, the sort order of the content pane is now preserved in the database. When an agent sorts the list, that sort order will be preserved until it is manually changed or reset.
Excellent news.
I've confirmed that this is working well. The little things can make a big difference!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for the update, Michael!
Hey guys,
So, yes, you resolved it in 13.0.6521 but then it got broken again after a couple of updates.
I've been patiently waiting for it to be fixed again but the sort order is still not "sticking" in the v14. 
What is it about persisting the sort order that makes it difficult to get it to work once and forever? 
Ever since our first SmarterTrack v3 license 10 years ago, I've been in the vicious circle  - report-> fix -> broken again ...
Can you please fix this, or tell us what the issue is and if we can implement a hack or workaround?
Eric McCarthy Replied
Employee Post
We have been unable to replicate this behavior. The sort order is saved in the Database for each user. We save the sort order for each user by section, so tickets will have one, chats will have one, etc... This means that setting the sort order in closed Tickets will also set the sort order for active Tickets.

If you are not seeing this behavior we suggest that you open a support ticket so that we can provide you more in-depth help.
Eric McCarthy Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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