German Translation
Question asked by Martin Schaible - 1/22/2016 at 7:47 AM
Some strings are missing, others needs to be corrected. How does the official procedure work, that i can contribute some updates?

5 Replies

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Lucidio Arruda Neto Replied
I'm not sure if there are any official procedure.
Portuguese translation is a poor job, too. We are doing our own.
Martin Schaible Replied
The german translation is quite good. Only a few strings are missing and some typos needs to be corrected.
Martin Schaible Replied
Dear people from SmarterTools:
Some strings are missing, others needs to be corrected. How does the official procedure work, that i can contribute some updates?
Andrea Free Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hey Martin,
You can improve your installation's translation by modifying the German translation file. If you then send it back to us with your improvements, we'll get it updated in the Language Pack as well for other customers. To do this, you'll want to make sure you're on the latest version of SmarterTrack. Then look in the MRS/App_Data/Translations directory. Find the German file and edit the necessary XML tags. The full instructions can be found here: Translating SmarterTools Products. Lucidio, you can do this with the Portuguese translation as well if you wish.
Andrea Free SmarterTools Inc. 877-357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Martin Schaible Replied
Hi Andrea

Thanks for the information. I will send the file as soon as possible.

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