Translation Files for Older Versions

Language translation files allow users to view the SmarterMail, SmarterTrack or SmarterStats interfaces in different languages. For recent versions, each product download automatically includes the available translation files. For older versions, administrators will need to download the translation files using the links below. (Some versions include a Dictionaries download which allows users to perform spell checks in various languages.) For more information, refer to the readme file within the download. 

Please note that translations are provided by SmarterTools users, and SmarterTools makes no warranty on the accuracy of the translation. If mistakes are found, report them to If you're interested in providing a translation for a language that's not currently available, refer to Translating SmarterTools Products.


SmarterMail 15 - Translations
SmarterMail 14 - Translations
SmarterMail 13 - Translations
SmarterMail 12 - Translations
SmarterMail 11 - Translations
SmarterMail 10 - Translations / Dictionaries
SmarterMail 9 - Translations / Dictionaries
SmarterMail 8  - Translations / Dictionaries
SmarterMail 7 - Translations / Dictionaries
SmarterMail 6 - Translations / Dictionaries
SmarterMail 5 - Translations / Dictionaries
SmarterMail 4 - Translations / Dictionaries 
SmarterMail 3 - Translations / Dictionaries
SmarterMail 2 - Translations / Dictionaries


SmarterTrack 12 - Translations 
SmarterTrack 11 - Translations 
SmarterTrack 10 - Translations 
SmarterTrack 9 - Translations 
SmarterTrack 8 - Translations / Dictionaries 
SmarterTrack 7 - Translations / Dictionaries 
SmarterTrack 6 - Translations / Dictionaries 
SmarterTrack 5 - Translations / Dictionaries 
SmarterTrack 4 - Translations / Dictionaries 
SmarterTrack 3 - Translations / Dictionaries 


SmarterStats 11 - Translations 
SmarterStats 10 - Translations 
SmarterStats 9 - Translations
SmarterStats 8 - Translations 
SmarterStats 7 - Translations
SmarterStats 6 - Translations 
SmarterStats 5 - Translations
SmarterStats 4 - Translations 
SmarterStats 3 - Translations