Disable chat sound for agent if agent marked as "AWAY" or "Inactive"
Idea shared by Antonio King - 7/19/2015 at 8:41 PM
Under Consideration
Just doesn't make sense to have a sound go off for an agent who's not active or marked available for chat. Especially when dealing with this scenario in a call center (which we are). When I'm on the phone and that sound goes off, it's very distracting. If we're busy with chats, then sometimes that sound never stops, and that's not good when I'm on the phone.

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the request, Antonio! I can see how disabling the queue sound for inactive agents would be beneficial in your situation. If implemented, I would encourage the ability for System Administrators to be able to choose whether sounds are played for inactive agents. For some, this could be a good indicator that they're needed in live chat. 
I'll change this to Under Consideration for further discussion by our development team. 

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