Global Ticket Search?
Idea shared by AnonymousButNotReally - 2/23/2015 at 1:25 PM
Frequently some of my users (primarily IT Helpdesk or Campus IT Managers) need to perform a global search of the system to locate tickets that were mistakenly placed in incorrect queues.  SysAdmin doesn't even have the ability to search globally anymore - so that makes it difficult to locate a "lost" ticket.
We've managed to work around this issue by querying the database directly (we built a custom web page to do it), but it would be great if you could add a separate role (or security setting, maybe under "Tickets" or "Distribution") that allowed the ability to search globally for tickets.

7 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello, what version are you on?
I found this for version 9x:  An administrator that has access to the system settings, management interface and database information. Typically, an administrator can also manage departments, groups, and users. Note: For new installations, the administrator must also have the agent role enabled. For those upgrading from a previous version, the administrator will not have the agent role enabled and can only access the reports and settings areas of the management interface. Administrators must have the Agent role and be part of groups in order to view global tickets and live chats.
Try giving them the Agent Role and they may be able to search tickets globally?
We are on 10.5. Our Admin account does have the Agent role - still no dice.
I know this may seem like a trivial thing and perhaps not very important in some respects, but my organization (over 700 agents, 7,000 employees and 78,000 registered students that we support) is seriously considering moving to a different system... most higher-ups are citing this as the major issue. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
In the current versions of SmarterTrack you can add the Admin account (or any other accounts you want to have access to all Tickets) to all of the Departments you want to see in the global search. You can do this by:
1. Go to Settings-> Manage-> Groups -> Agents
2. Add the account you want them to see tickets in to the group of the department you want to see
Hope this helps!
I understand what you're saying - but you don't understand the size and scope of my environment. I have 257 GROUPS setup across 53 DEPARTMENTS with over 700 AGENTS serving more than 78,000 USERS. We are using this system across our ENTIRE organization. My Helpdesk consists of 20+ users and my Call Center consists of 25+ users. Those are the staff who need to be able to locate tickets for callers (students, faculty and staff) when they need an update on their status. This is why, if we had a security role or feature that we could set for a SELECT FEW AGENTS (50+, in our case) that would allow them the ability to search tickets globally, we could probably save this implementation. Otherwise we will be forced to move to another product.

It is impractical for us to add 50+ agents to all 257 groups.
Is there any update on this? Our executive team has been investigating other products (one in particular has caught their attention) and would like to make a change ASAP unless this issue can be addressed. If you can provide a solution soon it would certainly help. Thanks.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
You can add users via the services2/svcOrganization web service function. Then, add the roles required using the AddRoleToUser function.  To add to groups, you need to add to the st_UsersInGroups table directly in the database.  Please note that the group user membership data is cached for 15 minutes, so database updates won't be immediate.
Hope this helps.

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