Reindex SmarterTrack Search Tables

If your customers are experiencing difficulty searching for items such as tickets or knowledge base articles or if you notice other performance issues related to searching SmarterTrack, reindexing the search tables may help resolve this issue. If you wish to give knowledge base articles priority over other indexable items such as tickets, please refer to the KB article Reindex Knowledge Base Articles.

NOTE: Larger databases may take a long time to be completely indexed and some data will be unsearchable during processing. SmarterTrack processes its index in a background thread and should not affect the normal use of the application. If your server is taxed heavily during this process you may notice some slowness in the interface.

Applies to all versions of SmarterTrack

Follow these steps to manually reset all search data in the database and allow SmarterTrack to re-index it:

  1. Stop IIS or the SmarterTrack Web server. NOTE: Just stopping the IIS site will not have the same effect.
  2. Execute the following SQL queries:
    truncate table st_SearchTokenStats; truncate table st_SearchTokensInTickets; truncate table st_SearchTokensInKBArticles; truncate table st_SearchTokensInChats; truncate table st_SearchTokensInCallLogs; truncate table st_SearchTokensInTasks; truncate table st_SearchTokensInThreads; delete from st_SearchTokens; update st_Chats set isindexed = 0; update st_ChatComments set IsIndexed = 0; update st_KbArticles set IsIndexed = 0; update st_Tickets set IsIndexed = 0; update st_TicketComments set IsIndexed = 0; update st_CallLogs set IsIndexed = 0; update st_Tasks set IsIndexed = 0; update st_TaskComments set IsIndexed = 0; update st_Threads set IsIndexed = 0;
  3. Start IIS or the SmarterTrack Web server.
If you suspect there are items in your system that are not being indexed you can run the following query on your database to determine how many items SmarterTrack has not processed:
select count(*) as KBsLeft from st_kbArticles where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TicketsLeft from st_Tickets where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TicketCommentsLeft from st_TicketComments where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as ChatsLeft from st_Chats where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as ChatCommentsLeft from st_ChatComments where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as CallLogsLeft from st_CallLogs where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TasksLeft from st_Tasks where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TaskCommentsLeft from st_TaskComments where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as ThreadsLeft from st_Threads where IsIndexed = 0;

Applies to SmarterTrack 6.x-9.x

Follow these steps to manually reset all search data in the database and allow SmarterTrack to re-index it:

  1. Stop IIS or the SmarterTrack Web server. NOTE: Just stopping the IIS site will not have the same effect.
  2. Execute the following SQL queries:
    delete from st_SearchTokenStats; delete from st_SearchTokensInTickets; delete from st_SearchTokensInTicketComments; delete from st_SearchTokensInKBArticles; delete from st_SearchTokensInChats; delete from st_SearchTokensInChatComments; delete from st_SearchTokensInCallLogs; delete from st_SearchTokensInTasks; delete from st_SearchTokensInTaskComments; delete from st_SearchTokens; update st_Chats set isindexed = 0; update st_ChatComments set IsIndexed = 0; update st_KbArticles set IsIndexed = 0; update st_Tickets set IsIndexed = 0; update st_TicketComments set IsIndexed = 0; update st_CallLogs set IsIndexed = 0; update st_Tasks set IsIndexed = 0; update st_TaskComments set IsIndexed = 0;
  3. Start IIS or the SmarterTrack Web server.
If you suspect there are items in your system that are not being indexed you can run the following query on your database to determine how many items SmarterTrack has not processed:
select count(*) as KBsLeft from st_kbArticles where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TicketsLeft from st_Tickets where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TicketCommentsLeft from st_TicketComments where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as ChatsLeft from st_Chats where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as ChatCommentsLeft from st_ChatComments where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as CallLogsLeft from st_CallLogs where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TasksLeft from st_Tasks where IsIndexed = 0; select count(*) as TaskCommentsLeft from st_TaskComments where IsIndexed = 0;


Learn more about SmarterTrack’s live chat, self service portal and knowledge base software.


Sure would be nice if the only text that one would need to copy from this page was actually text and not an image...
Colin M (9/3/2014 at 4:16 PM)
This was resolved. Initially the code block editor wasn't working correctly. Once that issue was resolved, we attempted to fix any articles that had code blocks inserted as images. I guess we missed this one.
Derek Curtis (9/3/2014 at 4:41 PM)
Thanks. Also, any reason 'truncate' is not suggested rather than 'delete'?
Colin M (9/10/2014 at 3:22 PM)