Changing from SubSPOOL to just one SPOOL folder
Question asked by Merz Official - 3/4/2025 at 3:06 PM
I need to modify my server to just use 1 spool folder (disable the subspooling option), but I see many header and email files in all the subspool0...9 folders.  

After disabling subspooling, should I just move all those header and email files into the main spool folder or is that going to double-deliver them or mess things up? 

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi, Merz

So, once you set the Subspool count to 0, SmarterMail will just continue to process any messages in any existing subspools. Once those are gone, you can just delete the subspool folders. 

I wouldn't manually move the messages - Just let SmarterMail handle it. That said, you could stop the SmarterMail service, move the EML and HDR files to the drop folder, then restart the service. (You'll still need to delete the subspool folders at some point, though. Or not.)
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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