Calendar View - Monthly
Idea shared by Millennium Systems - 2/14/2025 at 3:07 PM
Not sure based on the release notes when this happened, but somewhere between Build 8629
and Build 8930 the monthly default calendar view was changed. Each day now displays a maximum of 3 or sometimes just 2 events before having a grey + x more bar.

Before it used to display far more events, perhaps even all of them I don't recall exactly. Is there way this could be brought back, if not by default then via a user settings option. We have quite a few customers that miss this and feel 2-3 events is just too limited for a quick monthly overview, even if it means having to scroll a bit.

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I have not seen it (change) as we are still on Build 9014. But Most of our clients only use the Month view, That is all we use on our domain too. So yea, if it is only showing 2 events now, that is going to be irritating to constantly have to flip between views.
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I have seen 3 no issues. I havent tried 4 events during the day

Is behavior sensitive to the screen resolution or the number of horizontal rows needed to represent a month?
Running FULL HD. Havent tried other resolutions...
Old and new screen, both taken on 1920 x 1040



in outlook?

This is in webmail
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post

The number of appointments that show will depend on the screen resolution and the zoom in the browser. Here is an Example with the Browser at 100% zoom. 

and 80% zoom where I normally keep my browser. 

I am running the current public Windows release Build 9168 (Feb 6, 2025)

We did make some changes to the Calendar views back in Build 8747 (Dec 13, 2023) 

Thank you 
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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