Subscribing to a Webmail Calendar in Gmail

While it's possible to subscribe to a Gmail Calendar in SmarterMail, there are times when you want to do the opposite: add a read-only version of a SmarterMail calendar to Gmail. ("Read-only" means you'll be able to see data from that calendar, but not interact with it.) 

To properly import a SmarterMail calendar into Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Log into SmarterMail and go to the Calendar section.

  2. Open the calendar's sharing properties by right-clicking on the folder name and selecting Share Folder. Then, click on the Webcal tab.

  3. Enable the toggle for "Allow others to subscribe to this calendar".

  4. Use the Copy to Clipboard icon to copy the Webcal Shareable Link.
  5. Log into Google Calendar and go to Settings.
  6. In the "Add calendar" area of the navigation pane, click "From URL".

  7. In the URL of Calendar field, paste in the URL you copied from SmarterMail. Go to the beginning of the URL and remove "webcals" and replace it with "https".
  8. Click "Add calendar". Google will show a message of "Calendar created. Fetching events in the background."
That's all there is to it. You can then go back to your calendar view and find the new calendar in the "Other calendars" section. NOTE: It can take up to 24 hours for Google to pull in all new data.