Mailling list - unexpected character
Problem reported by Emil Babayev - 12/24/2024 at 10:57 PM
Good day,
We noticed that some of our mailing lists encountered the following error:
"Exception in creating mailing list messages - Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: e. Path '', line 0, position 0."
Emails were delivered successfully. However, we’re curious about what can be done to fix this issue and whether this error is cause for concern.
This is particularly important because one of our mailing lists recently "forgot" all its subscribers (around 2,000).

SmarterMail Enterprise
Build 8930 (Jun 13, 2024)

2 Replies

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Brian A. Replied
I ran into this a while ago. I can't remember exactly what the issue was, but I had to rename all my mailing lists to not include a certain character... maybe it was a space or a "-" or "_". Sorry, but maybe that will help someone.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
It looks like one of your mailing list JSON/JSONS files may be corrupted. I recommend opening a ticket on this so we can help evaluate further.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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