Build 9042 MAPI issues
Problem reported by Brian Bjerring-Jensen - 10/4/2024 at 6:27 AM
Being Fixed
Just installed it. Sent a test mail

This is the inbox of another account

Mail looks fine.

Sent items.

Doesnt show the entire FROM header. (Missing the company name).

4 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Exactly the same as this... now its just the name instead of the email.

Ticket nr is: 273-2BC338DB-0B0F

Jorel Haggard Replied
Employee Post
Hello everyone, Brian reached out over a ticket, and this matter has been replicated/escalated. 
Jorel Haggard System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Cris Mead Replied
Thank you Jorel, these simple updates help us a lot, else we'd never know of them...
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
We are waiting for a fix... it happens when æøå is in the recipient name.

Doenst matter iof you set outlook to Western ISO og UTF8.

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