Domain admin accounts sans mailbox/license
Idea shared by AWRData - 9/11/2024 at 8:37 AM
I am submitting this proposal after discussion with support regarding this use case.

I am about to take on hosting for several domains for a single provider.  Under SmarterMail's current pragma, each domain will have a wasted mailbox (and thus license) for the domain admin user. (i.e. hosting five domains consumes five licenses unnecessarily; 10 domains consumes 10; &c.)

What I propose is one of the following:

  1. Disable a mailbox for a domain admin account, thus eliminating the consumption and waste of a license, and not leaving an unused mailbox dangling in the domain.
  2. Admin-less domains, and system-level admin accounts which are limited to administration of selected domains.
I think the first scenario speaks for itself.  The second scenario, however, I feel needs a little explanation.

Here I propose defining an admin user at the system level (Settings>Administrators), which has no system administrative privileges but, instead, is assigned to be the admin for selected domains.  Those domains will not have domain admin accounts created.  I expect this to be the most "invasive" option to develop, as it would require additional privilege checks throughout the system, but also the most useful and powerful.

Ideally, both scenarios could be used in a mixed environment.  That is, where you would be hosting many single domains each with their own admins (disabled mailbox,) as well as multiple domains with a single admin (system admin-level assigned to domains.)

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Hello everyone

I have an alternative suggestion here. How about following a similar approach to Microsoft, where you create users for certain administrative rights (here you could add more granular authorization models as a feature if necessary) who do not need to have a mailbox account.

For example, the administrator, who does not urgently need a mailbox but must be able to log in and manage the environment of the customer domain.

What I'm saying is that you can add users who don't have a mailbox account and just log in to webmail to do administrative work or look at the statistics.

You should be able to give users fine-grained permissions, for example:
- View reporting
- General settings
- Chat logging
- Manage shares
- Manage content filters domain-wide
- Define password requirements
- Define signatures
- Define spam filtering



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