Disable calendar auto-clean for user
Question asked by Brian Kropf - 8/28/2024 at 2:46 PM
We recently took over management of a domain. We imported the user accounts and data from the previous domain management company.

The other day, one of the users discovered that his calendar events older than a year are gone. He apparently uses calendar events as an archive of information for previous meetings, locations, dates etc. and he is quite unhappy that they are gone. 

After looking into the matter, I discovered that SmarterMail automatically (by default) deletes calendar events older than a year. I see an option to allow domains to override the auto-clean settings and in the domain settings the option for the user to override auto-clean settings. I have not found where a user can disable the auto-clean of the calendar events. 

Where is the setting that allows a user to save all calendar events and completely disable auto-clean? And where is the setting to disable auto-clean for a domain?

4 Replies

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Ray Burd Replied
Employee Post
You can find the option for allowing users to override the domains default auto-clean configuration by going to Manage > Domain > General - Calendar Auto-Clean > Allow users to override Auto-Clean Settings. You can also make changes to the default auto-clean configuration for a given domain in the same section by toggling the option "Override auto-clean settings".
Ray Burd System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Brian Kropf Replied
Does switching on the “Override Auto-Clean”  option for the user along with not creating any rules disable Auto-Clean?
Brian Kropf Replied
I found the settings I was looking for. I had missed seeing the "Never" option at the top of the drop down lists.

Brian Kropf Replied
Can someone tell me if there is now a way to retrieve the calendar items that have already been deleted (auto-cleaned)? If yes, what are the steps I would need to take to do so?

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