Subject: Customizing Reject Message for Spam Rejections
Idea shared by George Rauscher - 8/28/2024 at 12:08 PM

Hello everyone,

I would like to suggest adding the option to include a contact email address in the reject message when an email is rejected due to being flagged as spam. T-online, for example, already implements this. It allows the administrator of the sending mail server to receive the necessary information directly and take appropriate action if needed.

My question is: What information does SmarterMail currently include in the reject message when an email is rejected as spam? Is there a way to include a contact email address or other relevant information to assist in resolving the issue?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

George A. RauscherMember of the German Society for Criminology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik e. V.)Member of "LEVA" Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association, Inc.intelligent piXel GmbHExperts in forensic criminologyEnzianstr. 4a82319 Starnberg0800 - 999 8 99 88 (free*)Website: www.intelligent-pixel.comManaging Director: George A. RauscherAuthorized Representative: Dr. Louise MorgottTax Number: 143 / 150 / 31010HRB 207 679 / Munich Local Court

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