How to use the agent email address in the To field for email notifications
Question asked by Shannon Yates - 8/15/2024 at 8:51 AM

Added a "Global" event called "Email on ticket transfer"



Set it to simply "Enabled"



Set the action to the following



The FROM is set to "supportportal@ctlogistics.com"


WE (CT) Wants the "TO" to be the "Email address for the agent the ticket was transferred to"

How can we configure this? As "#agentemail#" does not work in the "TO" field.


Otherwise, each user would need to make their own event for this  which is not optimal.
Thank you,
Shannon Yates
 Help Desk
  Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923
12487 Plaza Drive  |  Cleveland, Ohio  44130-1084

5 Replies

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post

Agent Assigned -- #agentassigned# 

This should be the variable for the agent the ticket was transferred to. You can use (Old Agent Assigned -- #oldagentassigned#) to show who it came from as well. 

Hope this helps. 
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shannon Yates Replied

We see ONLY the items where an agent has specifically created an event being mailed to them now the "Global" one does not fire.

RE: We had a user setup her own event and it does, in fact, mail to her.


The GLOBAL one using #agentassigned# in the "TO" field does not fire nor work.

Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
That makes sense, it would only be a username and not an email address. Unfortunately we do not have a variable for the agents email address. I can submit a feature request to have this variable added if you would like. 
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shannon Yates Replied
Yes please, that would be very beneficial for our structure that we are using.  Thank you!
Thank you, Shannon Yates Help Desk Confidence, Trust, Leadership. Traditions since 1923 12487 Plaza Drive | Cleveland, Ohio 44130-1084
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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