Build 8972 - Has anyone tried it?
Question asked by Brian Kropf - 7/26/2024 at 5:14 AM
We are on Build 8930 which has been stable for us but the latest builds are purported to fix some of the issues in our open tickets so we're itching to upgrade once we find the next stable build. 

If anyone has upgraded to Build 8972, I would love to hear your feedback.

6 Replies

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I wouldnt dare yet....
Shane Woodham Replied
Since all of the problems from the last update, I had to update this morning.  So far it looks like the ghost email problem is fixed.  We are still experiencing a delay in emails making it to the inbox on the web client and our Outlook clients.  
Patrick Jeski Replied
It seems to have fixed the relaxed certificate name validation and the clam local issue.
Jay Dubb Replied
@Shane Woodham, how long of a delay?  Do you have a (global) command line delay set under Settings --> General?
Charalampos Michael Replied
IMAP WebDav and emClient all fine
James North Replied
Domain Aliases can be created now.

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