Rspamd on the same Linux machine as SmarterMail
Question asked by Patrick Jeski - 5/16/2024 at 1:05 PM
Has anyone installed rspamd on the same box the SmarterMail Linux beta is running on? Any pitfalls?

4 Replies

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Roger Replied
You should never do setups like this. I prefer seperate instances for security and maintenance
Patrick Jeski Replied
Please take a minute to educate me as to why it is more secure and less maintenance to put rspamd on a separate machine? Is it not ok to run clamav on the same machine?
Patrick Jeski Replied
I don’t buy it. There are 142 processes running on my VM now, the couple that are Rspamd are not significantly increasing the chances of a crash bringing down the whole system and I prefer to run fewer machines. You know, for maintenance purposes. 

And while at least Ron did answer a question I asked, all Roger did was tell me “never”  to do something I wanted to do based on his preferences, which had nothing to do with my question and wasn’t particularly helpful. 
Patrick Jeski Replied
In any case, it works fine. The kb article on deploying rspamd is really out of date, and has errors that were pointed out long ago and not yet fixed.
All of the prerequisites were already there, and the instructions on getting the repo wasted a few minutes of my time. (There isn’t a repo available that way for noble Ubuntu). 

All I had to do was “sudo install rspamd”, then the kb article instructions on setting up the workers and .conf file. It’s all working fine. When I get a minute I’ll follow Martin Schaible’s setup guide to tweak things in. 

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