ProofPoint contact?
Question asked by Matthew Titley - 5/8/2024 at 11:07 AM
Hi all,

Hey, I know this isn't an general IT forum, but one of my hosting clients is having a problem sending (or receiving) mail to/from any of their customers who use proofpoint.com for email security filtering. Proofpoint will provide no support to non-customers (makes sense) but I tried contacting them anyway. Does anyone here either have a proofpoint account or a customer with a proofpoint account that wouldn't mind opening a ticket for a specific domain name? My customer's web site was hacked a few weeks ago (not my problem) and even though their web site was cleaned up, their domain name gets blocked (dropped) by proofpoint (inbound or outbound!) for all email. Even forwarding an email from their domain via a Gmail or Yahoo account to a proofpoint protected domain will trigger a drop. I figure it was worth a shot to ask the community here, as it's tangentially (very tangentially...) connected to SmarterMail...


6 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
We too have had issues delivering to ProofPoint end-users in the past, so I am curious what you find out here!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Millennium Systems Replied

Your mileage may very, but you can use this link to request a delist/reset.

When using this in the past we've had IPs reset within about a week or so, but we also had a few cases where we got the round around.

To makes matters worse, if you are on this list your messages get dropped outright. And the recipient will have no clue anything was blocked, the message does not show up in the message logs, no way to whitelist the sender/domain or recover the message for delivery. Poor concept for a filter service with very limited end user control compared to something like Barracuda ESS.
Blake Blossom Replied
As said previously there were issues, were you able to sort out them?
Matthew Titley Replied
Hi all. In the end, my mail hosting customer was able to get their customer to open a ticket with Proofpoint. It was a headache for all but ended reasonably well. It was never my "problem" from a mail service provider perspective but it got thrown into my lap as I'm their primary IT consultant. As we all know, once an IP or domain name gets on a "naughty" list, sometimes the process for listing removal is capricious, at best. I've since learned that Proofpoint is used by many very large, multinational corporations for email security services.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Going through the receiving customer has had the best results in my experience as well, glad to hear that worked out. ProofPoint is definitely gaining ground out there so it's good to know how to go about getting off their naughty list!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Scarab Replied

As far as receiving email from Proofpoint, I've had to add the sender's IP addresses from their SPF (thankfully there is only two Proofpoint IP4 addresses per domain) to the SmarterMail Greylist Bypass as their outbound SMTP servers do not recognize a "451 - Greylisted. Please try again in 120 seconds" and they do not attempt any redeliveries as per RFC industry standards. I've tried finding a list of all Proofpoint IP4 addresses, but unfortunately the only published list that they have is for Incoming SMTP, not Outgoing SMTP.

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