SmarterMail Diagnostics
Problem reported by Harland Adelaars - 5/1/2024 at 2:40 AM
In the SmarterMail Diagnostics i see some error's, first one Folder persissions to /App_Data/ this looks like an directory used by Windows but SmarterMail is installed on Debian.

The second errors testing Internet Connectivity i don't know whats going wrong there!

14 Replies

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Harland Adelaars Replied
I created an test domain for mail, and now Diagnostics for Folder Permissions are Passed:
But the Internet Connectivity still has 2 errors:
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Harland,

We appreciate your participation in the BETA! We've got this replicated locally and will get it resolved. 

Thank you,
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Just to close this out, this issue should be resolved. I just ran a test against my Linux install and it all shows green now. Thanks for pointing this out, Harland!
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Harland Adelaars Replied
Error is solved, no idea what it was for but if i see errors with diagnostics it feels not good.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
That's understandable. You can be comforted knowing it wasn't an issue with your install but with something on our end that resulted from the core maintenance performed last night. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ron Raley Replied
Derek, we use the SmarterMail diagnostic page as an uptime checking landing page. The uptime tool detects changes in text.

I would like to see one amazingly simple addition.

Mailservice.exe - RUNNING / STOPPED

This would help us tremendously. Please consider.  Thank you.
Tan Replied
I also face the same problem, im using Ubuntu and default installation.

Sébastien Riccio Replied
Had the same with first installation attempt on Ubuntu 24.04. Updated to 8902 this morning and the issue persists.

I tried:
- a full uninstall/reinstall of latest beta build
- chmod 777 /opt/smartermail/App_Data

But the issue remains.

I see there is a "Logs" subfolder in "App_Data", but it's empty.
AFAIK default logs location on Linux are in /var/lib/smartermail/Logs though.

Not sure if this App_Data folder is really useful :)
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Its not used nearly as much as it used to. Right now its a holding spot for domain logos, as well as temporary holding spot for files being uploaded as attachments or file storage before they are finalized and moved to their final spots. So if App_Data is not working I'd probably expect uploading to file storage or attachments not to work.

I think we fixed this though in our previous build so it's interesting your still having issues with it and doing chmod like that should have eliminated any permission issues with that.

Edit: Remembering now I think part of the issue is that it was being put in /opt/smartermail/App_Data which was wrong. 
It should now be inside /etc/smartermail/App_Data 
Maybe you can check that folder and ensure its there with the correct perms?

Trying to keep /opt/ for the binary files, and /etc/ for the system config files and stuff like App_Data, and /var/lib (if you choose to use it) as the data folder.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Sébastien Riccio Replied
Hello Matt,

I checked /etc/smartermail. There is no App_Data folder. 

So I went ahead and created one with default 755 permissions (anyway, at the moment with default install SM is running as root so it shouldn't be a problem...). Tada:

It seems atm the installer is creating the folder at /opt/smartermail but not /etc/smartermail, but then SM looks for it at /etc/smartermail.

If i may suggest to maybe use /var/lib/smartermail/App_Data instead of /etc/smartermail/App_Data as /etc in the unix world "should" be only used for configs.

If, for example, one would need more disk space for these directories it makes much more sense to mount a dedicated partition over /var/lib/smartermail instead of /etc/smartermail which should somehow remain config-only and not used for temporary files or so.
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Tan Replied
Works for me as well, created in /etc/smartermail/App_Data and chmod 755 on the directory

I agree with Sébastien that this folder should be under /var/lib/smartermail. However, it seems the SM team prefers to follow a structure similar to the Windows environment to avoid confusion when switching between platforms. 
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
I'm pulled in two directions with this. Tan is right, we do wanna mimick Windows which is why App_Data is with the system settings (because that mimicks the program files).
But I also agree App_Data would probably be better in the "Data" folders area, the folder shouldn't** really grow day-to-day. If stuff gets left in upload (like an upload fails) it will clean itself every day.

I think I've identified the problems with this folder being created so I'm fixing that now atleast.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Tan Replied
Thanks Matt. :)
Sébastien Riccio Replied

Yeah, it seems with our ~5k domains the App_Data folder stays daily under 2GB.

Cool you've found the issue about the folder creation.

Kind regards.
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com

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