Verbindung mit smartertrack App(Android)
Question asked by Matthias Duerre - 4/22/2024 at 5:03 AM
Ich teste gerade die Anwendung für mein Unternehmen und ich kann soweit alles mögliche machen, ich habe die Testumgebung mit https zum laufen bekommen und kann mich auch im Browser an die Anmeldeseite des Servers, aber wenn ich die gleiche Url in die Smartertrack App hinterlege kommt die Meldung dass der Server nicht erreichbar ist - es sind alle ports in der Firewall für diesen Rechner freigegeben.

Ich bin sehr dankbar für jeden Hinweis!

Hello! I'm currently testing the application for my company, and so far, I can do everything imaginable. I've managed to get the test environment running with HTTPS, and I can also access the server's login page in the browser. However, when I enter the same URL into the Smartertrack app, it says that the server is unreachable. All ports in the firewall for this computer are open.
I would greatly appreciate any pointers!

5 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Are you able to reach the HTTPS URL from the same device you are trying to connect the SmarterTrack Mobile application to? I wonder if perhaps your phone's network isn't able to reach the hostname you're using potentially. I hope that helps!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Matthias Duerre Replied
Hello thats wah i wanted to say - i used chrome on the android phone and can login via the url i tried to use the IP with https, but its the same error.
It doesnt seem to be possible too see some logs or enable logging in the app.
I have a idea what could be the issue - is the server for the smartertrack App is a diffrent one like the smartermail?
I thought it would be a client, but smartertrack seems like a GLPI alternative.
Is there an App you could use to use the chat function without using the webgui?
I tried some XMPP Clients but i cant use any ssl connection  the error 
When i use an ip without https i get the message that the clients needs ssl/tls but not supported by the servber and with https the error contains dns lookup exeption IN AAAA yielded an errorresponse NX_DOMAIN.
I only used an A record for the domain
I use aTalk for android and Gajim for windows.

Matthias Duerre Replied
I Think i found where i need to setup the ssl/tls encryption, but it seems that i need a diffrent key than i used for the domain.
I found the official guide to enable ssh/tls and cant use my certificate like usual. Do i have to add another dns entry like for the mail.mytestsubdomain.mydomain?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Sorry for the delay on getting back to you on this. First, the error you are seeing on the PFX entry (in bindings) is usually indicative of the PFX file not including the private key, or the password entered below is incorrect and so we're not able to access the private key. When you exported this PFX; did you include the private key in the export? If not you might try reexporting it and binding to that to see if this helps. 

On your first question; yes the SmarterTrack server is a hosted instance that the mobile application will connect to. You can have both SmarterTrack and SmarterMail installed on the same server however, they just need to be setup as separate sites in IIS. SmarterTrack will also require MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server to be available (for the database) either on server or on another server it can reach. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Matthias Duerre Replied
Thank you!
I noted, that  either it took some time to the smartermail server to realize that the certificate is in C:\SmarterMail\Certificates or its necessary to import the certificate into the local computer certificate management.

Yesterday i played around with the certificate and somehow after importing it in the mentioned place it got accepted in the bindings...

I now need a simple android client which is easy to configure,because the most of them seem to require that you register your server somewhere instead of just entering the server name and userdata.
Logginng in with apps like blabber/conversations is possible, but if the chat tries to try to set the encrytion with omemo it fails and send unencrypted messages after it failed.

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