User's compose font family and font size not applying within editor
Problem reported by David Sovereen - 2/19/2024 at 9:46 AM
We are on build 8797, and there seems to be a bug with the "Compose Font" and "Font Size" user settings not applying in the WYSIWYG editor within the compose email window. This issue occurs with multiple users on multiple domains. When composing a new message, the editor seems to apply the user default font family and font size defined within the domains default user settings. When a user changes their font/font size within their account settings the editor still defaults to the user default within the domain settings. 

This seems to be intermittent, and at times we have gotten the editor to apply the user's specified font settings when initially opening up a new compose window by doing combinations of:

- Randomly opening/closing the compose window.
- Saving a new "Compose Font" / "Font Size" in Settings, and then opening a new compose window.
- Manually editing the font family / font size within the compose window, closing the compose window, and then relaunching a new compose window.

This is really hit or miss though, and we have not been able to find a way to 100% replicate this behavior or get it to apply the users settings consistently other than at random with the scenarios mentioned above. However, when you send the email, the received email will have the font/font size they had specified in their settings. For example, if the Compose Font and Font Size settings specified on the domain are set to Arial 14, and within the user settings they are set to Arial 22 then when that user composes a new message the editor applies Arial 14 by default. If the user does not manually change this within the editor, types their message, and sends it then when it is received the body of the email will have a font of Arial 22.

Domain Settings:

User Account Settings:

Default Compose Window Font (Arial, 14 not Comic Sans MS, 22):

Received Message (Font is Comic Sans MS, 22):

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
Hello David,

This has been resolved and the fix will be available in the next release of SmarterMail. 

Kind regards,
David Sovereen Replied
Thank you for the response and confirmation of the bug, Andrea. We will keep an eye out for the next release.

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