I have been trying em Client to see how it works.
Overall very nice, and fast.
But, I get this error in em Client:
1:43:00 PM
user@dmain.ca [Exchange Web Services] MailClient.Storage.Application.OperationException: Synchronizing folder '
user@dmain.ca/Contacts' failed due to the following error: The specified object was not found in the store.
---> Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceResponseException: The specified object was not found in the store.
And in the EWS log, I get this:
13:42:58.907 [NN.NNN.NNN.NNN,
user@dmain.ca,86cc1903-3d35-469f-a0a0-3461eca756b9] [AAMkADY4MWI1M2E5LTQ0ODAtNDQwYy1hY2YyLWRkMjA2ODkzZGVjOAAsAAIAAQCpUxtogEQMRKzy3SBok97IGicAAAAAAADUnQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAFAAABAAAA]: System.IO.InvalidDataException: Image format not supported. Please ensure the input file is an image and that a WIC codec capable of reading the image is installed. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The component cannot be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88982F50)
at PhotoSauce.Interop.Wic.IWICImagingFactory.CreateDecoderFromStream(IStream pIStream, Guid[] pguidVendor, WICDecodeOptions metadataOptions)
at PhotoSauce.MagicScaler.WicImageDecoder.createDecoder[T](Func`2 factory, T arg)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at PhotoSauce.MagicScaler.WicImageDecoder.createDecoder[T](Func`2 factory, T arg)
at PhotoSauce.MagicScaler.WicImageDecoder.Load(Stream inStream, PipelineContext ctx)
at PhotoSauce.MagicScaler.MagicImageProcessor.ProcessImage(Stream imgStream, Stream outStream, ProcessImageSettings settings)
at MailService.Protocols.Properties.ContactProperties.ContactsHelper.ContactPictureAsJpeg(db_contact_readonly contact)
at MailService.Protocols.EWS.ItemOperations.GetAttachment.GetContactAttachment(User owner, db_folder_readonly dbFolder, EwsId ewsId, RequestAttachmentIdType attachmentId)
at MailService.Protocols.EWS.ItemOperations.GetAttachment.Execute(GetAttachmentType request)
Apparently PhotoSauce Library is having an issue.
I am happy to find and correct the image, but this user has 571 contacts.
Hard to tell which one is in error.
em Client manages to import about 369 and stop, and there are contacts from A - Z, so, not imported in alphabetical order.
Outlook says there are 558, so it keeps going after an error.
And the web interface says 571.
Any ideas on how to find the one (or more) in issue?