Outlook - Calendars without MAPI (CalDav Synchronizer edition)
Problem reported by Sébastien Riccio - 7/8/2022 at 12:37 AM
Previously in Outlook: Calendars without MAPI,

After failing to help our customer using SharePoint in the previous episode, I went ahead and decided to give a try to Outlook/CalDavOrganizer to propoose an alternative to our customer for his "SharePoint" issues.

So, I created myself a fresh Outlook profile and configured an account with IMAP/SMTP and CalDav Syncrhonizer "stuff".

When I create an appointment from Outlook and add attendees to it, the recipients are receiving the invitation request and the event seems to display successfully in Outlook.

When I check the event from the Webmail, and as opposed to when using SharePoint, it displays the attendants.

When the attendants accept the invitations, the user organiser account receive "Accept" e-mails which is correct. But it doesn't update the status of the attendants in Outlook and from the webmail, if I click on "details" on the accept mails, it says it can't find the event. (same as with SharePoint)

It looks to me at this point that nothing is working correctly about appointments attendant management when using Outlook/CalDavOrganizer (but a bit better than with SharePoint, Add To Outlook)

Any idea ?

Thanks and Kind regards.
Sébastien Riccio
System & Network Admin

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Sébastien Riccio Replied
Just wanted to add that I tried the same thing but against a Mailcow server (using SOGo's DAV endpoint and all seems to work correctly with CalDav Synchronizer (inviting attendants, confirmations, etc).

It looks like the issue is on SmarterMail side. I just wanted to dismiss any issue with the synchronizer itself before blaming SM for it.
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com

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