Popup Windows To Edit Settings Of Some Areas Is Not Working Correctly
Problem reported by Ben Santiardo - 6/8/2022 at 7:01 AM
SmarterTrack v8158

I am having a strange issue where when I try to edit some records in the Management Interface, the popup window is not loading the data correctly.

   Groups > [Select Any Group] > Agents > [Edit Any Agent]
      **The above opens an "Add" popup (blank), the window is not showing the selected Agent's data.

   Agents/Administrators > [Select Any Agent] > Groups > [Open Any Group In List w/ Double Click]
      **Inside the popup window the "Portal Homepage" appears.

Has anyone else experienced this? I've closed the browser and reopened it, no change.
Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst
Eastern Suffolk BOCES

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Ben! Sorry to hear you're having issues with this! First, can I have you try flushing your browser's cache/history/etc and trying it again? If that doesn't fix it, try logging in through an incognito/guest session in your browser and see if it works there. If it works there this might point to a browser extension or something similar causing the trouble. Let me know what you find out :)
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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