Unable to delete email addresses in drop down suggestions
Question asked by TonyCzar - 5/11/2022 at 3:29 PM
Hi.  Please see attached screenshots.  My question after the second screenshot.

#1- When I create a new email message and type 'Mike' into the Recipient field, the first suggestion is MCzarnik@protia.com.  However, that is not a good address.  I can 'X' it to the right of the suggestion, but unlike other email platforms it comes back the next time I do the same.

#2- MCzarnik@protia.com is not an address in Mike Czarnik's Contact info.

Would value advice on how to permanently delete MCzarnik@protia.com from the program's memory.

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello Tony, 

Can you have the user do an Advanced Search for that email address ( the bad one ) and see if it is showing up anywhere. 

The Advanced search is the magnifying glass in the top right corner

If you find any matches and get rid of them ( and do the "X" on the address again ) do you still have the issue. 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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