Team Workspace Audio cut out
Question asked by J Lee - 4/12/2022 at 6:09 PM
Hi All

Is anyone having users complain about dropped audio while using Video Chat in the team workspace?

J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273

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Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Are there any changes to the meeting when it cuts out? When someone joins, when someone turns on and off a camera or something. Or does it just happen completely out of the blue? Is it only for one user out of all the users in the call or is it happening to everyone? Browser? What features where being used while it happened, screen sharing, video call, etc?
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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