SM Build 7929 (Sep 16, 2021) Upgrade Pros & Cons List
Question asked by Hasham Wahaib - 9/16/2021 at 10:28 AM
Is any one installed the latest build of Build 7929 (Sep 16, 2021), Any problems occurred after install, Especially when it is integrated with Plesk Panel (Plesk Obsidian 18.0.38 Update #2 ).
I am Curious and want to install, but not certian if any one have already installed and faced any issues
Exchange, Mailing Lists, MAPI, and Special about Antispam. 

Previously I have been facing loads of Spam.

9 Replies

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Patrick Mattson Replied
I have learned my lesson, anytime I install a version that is released right before the weekend it has something broken in it. I will let others try it out, maybe I am the bad luck on releases.

I will say I am installing it on a new server that will be a backup MX server for me. If I notice anything odd I will post it.
Ron Raley Replied
"Fixed: SpamAssassin check is not properly added to the total spam weight of the message."

What we noticed is that SpamAssassin Outbound SMTP blocking is now generating many false positives, so we had to turn it off.

SmarterTools Jedi Commanders, can you please provide additional details on this?  It seems to be more aggressive.

Marc Rainville Replied
Employee Post
Spam Assassin scoring results are normalized to our weighted spam scores through a calculation.  The main value that effects this calculation is the "Low Spam Weight" value on the "Spam Assassin-based Pattern Matching" in spam checks.  If you are getting too many false positives, lower the "Low Spam Weight".

Marc Rainville Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ron Raley Replied
Marc, if I read your message correctly, medium and high weight have no effect?

Thank you,
Marc Rainville Replied
Employee Post
Correct. Only the low weight has an effect on the spam assassin weight.  We have an open task on fixing the dialog and help to make this more clear.
Hope this helps.
Marc Rainville Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
I'm at 7914 and everything looks fine here ... Maybe I'm lucky?

I wonder if I can upgrade to 7929 without concerns...

Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Hi Marc! Related to internal Spam Assassin filter weight usage changes...

I think we need more explanation about the Spam Assassin changes BEFORE the update, otherwise a mess will happen with the messages being blocked.

It is absolutely necessary that before making such radical changes you warn us of what will happen, otherwise our customers will be mortally pissed at us, and consequently we will be very angry at you...
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Ron Raley Replied
I think those medium high fields are still working.

I've been messing with it and entered 5, 10, 10

Later, I discovered a quarantine message with only Internal SpamAssassin score. Total Spam Weight 10. No other spam weight failures.

Hasham Wahaib Replied
I apologize actually this context is from other post, I just pasted it here, as I am trying to gather pros & cons with this update. if it is not appropriate please go-ahead and delete.

Is It Really Effecting Every One with new update.

Since installing ASP.NET 4.8 on the server with SmarterMail in preparation for Build 7929 I have been getting lots of issues of incorrect DNS.

I am using a local Micorosft DNS server to do the DNS lookups which I have tested during the times below and is returning correct results. I also have DNS caching disabled in SmarterMail.

SmarterMail keeps getting the wrong DNS, for example in the last few days I have seen times when instead of finding 5 MX servers for Gmail it will find 0 or 1, and even use the IP to try and send emails addressed to Gmail.com which then bounce.

The same issue with hotmail.com, on Sunday it thought for a while that the IP for Hotmail's mail service was an IP that belongs to Mailchimp causing all emails to hotmail.com  to bounce with a relay denied error message.

These are just a few examples, I have had numerous other DNS issues, it seems that SmarterMail at times is associating the wrong DNS response with the wrong DNS request.

I have around 12,000 mailboxes so the mail service is quite busy, and since ASP.NET 4.8 was installed on the server this issue of incorrect DNS is occurring every 48 hours. I have now updated to Build 7929 but the issue still occurs.

It seems to occur more often with popular domains such as hotmail.com and gmail.com which have low TTL and therefore DNS lookups occur more frequently.

The only way to fix the issues and get SmarterMail using the correct DNS is to restart the SmarterMail service.

I was wondering of anyone else is seeing the same issues? 

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