Cross domain Global Contact list
Idea shared by jev.sapasap - 8/18/2021 at 9:40 AM
Under Consideration
We are using two or more domains..... say for example
- ourdomain.com
- ourdomain.net
- ourdomain.org

1. Is there a way we can see each other from the global contact list?
2. Is there a way we can chat users from other domain?

4 Replies

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post

Currently, SmarterMails chat system is only internal to the domain and will not work cross-domain. The global address list ( GAL ) is built dynamically based on the users on the domain. 

The only real workaround for this would be to export the GAL from one domain into a domain shared Contact list of another. The downside to this is it would need to be updated by the same process any time new data is introduced ( or removed ) 

I am going to create a Feature Request for this. 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Thank you Tony...
While waiting for this,
Can you share how to do the workaround

Warm regards
Employee Replied
Employee Post

You could export each GAL to a CSV file, upload that file to a user on the other domains, then share those contacts with all the users on that domain. For example, if you have the domains demo.com and example.com. You can download the GAL from demo.com and import it to the domain admin's account for example.com. Then the domain admin can share the uploaded GAL to all users on their domain.

While this is not ideal, it could be used as a workaround for the time being. Keep in mind, when you export the GAL:
  • It won't export aliases or mailing lists.
  • If new users are added to the GAL or other users are removed, you would have to manually update the contact list that was uploaded to the other domain.
  • This might be more difficult to do if you have a large number of domains.
    • But you could utilize the API to help automate this, including keeping the contact lists up-to-date.
Thank you Emily.
This will be of big help in the time being

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