E-Mail missing after server disk filled up + disk expansion
Question asked by Amit Prabhu - 8/17/2021 at 3:29 PM
Hi All,

We recently had a situation with SmarterMail where the volume hosting all the email ran out of space.

The disk was then expanded and the service was restarted, which took a long time.

When the service came back up, some of the emails (that were previously visible) have gone missing. It seems a number of emails (a lot, I'm not sure if all) that were received approx. 6 hours before the disk full situation happened have just disappeared. If I search these emails in the delivery log they definitely show up, but the actual email is gone.

Any ideas if these can be recovered?

Smartermail version is 100.0.7866.26361, Server OS is 2012 R2 (fully patched at time of this post)

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Do you by chance have Message Archiving enabled? You may be able to submit them once more that way. Unfortunately though, if the disk was full at the time chances are we were not able to write to the archive or the GRP files (mail data) themselves. Please don’t hesitate to submit a ticket with us if you need any help. Good luck!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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