Domain Data Disconnected After Upgrade
Problem reported by Shaun Peet - 5/19/2021 at 8:05 AM
Thanks Matt.

We also had a really weird issue yesterday where a domain "lost all its users" (ie - it basically reverted back to all domain defaults).  On the disk, the users were all still there so we just used the "reload domain" option within the web interface, and that restored the domain's users.  AFAIK it only happened with that one domain.

2 Replies

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Andrea Free Replied
Employee Post
Hi Shaun, 

I wanted to let you know that I moved this reply to its own thread, as this does not appear to be related to the issue with the services not starting after upgrade. We prefer to keep threads related to one topic so details aren't lost or compounded. 

If you'd like this to be reviewed by the Support Department, please do submit a ticket as well. 

Kind regards,
Andrea Free SmarterTools Inc. 877-357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Shaun, one thing that could cause this is something locking or otherwise causing issues with the domain's accounts.json file. A lot of the time this is an antivirus or backup solution which is hanging on to the file and preventing us from accessing it successfully. If you get a support ticket submitted on this I can help you track down what might be locking files via Process Monitor from Microsoft. I hope that helps!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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